كتاب تعليمي Adult بيانو Method – Book 2 دروس, Solos, Technique, & Theory


رقم الكتاب: '50486403
السلسلة: مكتبة البيانو التعليمية
الصيغة: غلاف ورقي
المؤلفون: باربرا كريدر، فريد كيرن، منى ريجينو، فيليب كيفيرين

التوفر 3 حبة متوفرة فقط

رمز المنتج : 20777058

التوصيل للرياض خلال 23 ساعة. باقي المدن من يوم الى 7 أيام بحد اقصى.
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The Adult Piano Method Book 2 begins with a brief review of concepts covered in Book 1, then proceeds step-by-step through 5-finger patterns in C, G, and F – all the way through to major scales in the keys of C, G, and F and their related scales A, E and D minor. Just as in Book 1, the imaginative and entertaining music found throughout Book 2 makes learning a pleasure and a key factor for student success. Great solos emphasize and support the introduction of new concepts in logical, steady sequence. These enticing solos encourage students to move ahead, and they are rewarded with two great arrangements from every adult's “Top Ten” list: “The Entertainer,” and “Für Elise.” Improvs, Quick Licks, Ad Libs, Sight Reading, and Technique Tips sprinkled throughout focus on using new skills and add musical fun along the way. Online audio accompaniments are by Phillip Keveren.


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